The alarm rings, and you said you’d go to the gym before work, but you’re not feeling it now. Come to think of it, you haven’t been feeling it for months now. You’d prefer to catch some extra z’s, and after work, you’re too tired to do anything. Besides, you’d rather chill out on the couch and eat after a long day. Welcome to the fitness slump.
It’s completely normal to fall into this rut or slump. My fitness slump lasted a year, where I was uncommitted to training or eating healthy; work became my priority. Even trying to escape to exercise was a chore, plus the couch was so comfy.
The more time passed, the easier it was to be complacent in my newfound love of couch, tv, and snacks; however, I was getting depressed about how I was looking and feeling. I had to make a change and find my passion again for lifting and being healthy.
Here are some tips that helped me off the couch and ready to workout again.
How To Get Out Of The Fitness Slump
Set a goal
If you want to lose 15 pounds, run a half marathon, compete in a powerlifting competition, then set a goal to do so. Find something that you would like to do or think you can do, and commit.
It’s not going to be easy, but I bet you’ll enjoy the process.
Treat yourself
Getting a new pair of athletic shoes or an outfit can make a world of difference. A new something can bring happiness and excitement; therefore, getting workout gear can make you feel better with your appearance.
When you dress for the part, you look the part!
Change up training
After a while, the same workout regime gets old. Think about it, if you were to have lasagna every night, wouldn’t you get sick of lasagna? Maybe you wouldn’t if you were Garfield the Cat or something, but it would get pretty boring to a lot of us. That’s exactly how your brain and muscles are with the same routine, bored!
Try mixing it up. If you’re always hitting bicep curls with dumbbells, do bicep curls on the cables or do Zottman curls. If you’re doing upper and lower days, try throwing in a full body day. You want to challenge yourself and reignite your interest in fitness.